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Ciguatoxin(CTX) Immunoaffinity Column

volume: 3mL Tests:  25T

SKU: HWIAC-M120-3 Category:


volume: 3mL

Tests:  25 T

Immunoaffinity Columns

General Description

TCyanotoxins and Marine Toxins Immunoaffinity Column (IAC) is used to purify and concentrate toxins from complicated matrices, such as fish, algae, shellfish, etc. It is applicable for purification of various cyanotoxins and marine toxins, such as DSP, PSP, NSP, etc.

Test Principle

TThe test principle of IAC is that antigens can specifically bind antibodies, and toxins can be effectively purified or extracted.

Product Advantages

THigh specificity and high affinity of monoclonal antibodies

THigh column capacity and stable recovery rate.

TSimple and quick operation, saving time and cost.

Additional information




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