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Deoxynivalenol Immunoaffinity Column

volume: 1mL 3mL    Tests:  1/25/50 T

SKU: HWIAC-030 Category:


volume: 1mL 3mL    Tests:  25/50 T

PriboFast® Deoxynivalenol Immunoaffinity Column


Deoxynivalenol (DON), also known as vomitoxin, is a type B trichothecene, an epoxy-sesquiterpenoid. It is primarily produced by some Fusarium species. DON exists worldwidely and contaminates predominantly in grains, such as wheat, barley, corn, oats, anad rye, and less often in rice and sorghum. The ingestion of DON-contaminated grains by humans and animals has a wide range of toxic effects.  In animals and livestock, the most obvious symptom is reduced feed intake and vomitoxin toxicity, which may cause huge economic loss to stock farming. Therefore, there are strict limits and regulations for deoxynivalenol in food, feed, and grains all over the world.

Product Design

The principle of Deoxynivalenol Immunoaffinity Column is an antigen-antibody reaction. DON monoclonal antibodies have been immobilised on the in-column gel. The toxins in the sample are extracted, filtered, diluted and then slowly passed through the immunoaffinity column, where deoxynivalenol molecules are specifically bound to the antibodies in gel. The column is then washed to remove unbound other materials. After wash, deoxynivalenol can be eluted with methanol and collected into analytical vials for HPLC or LC-MS/MS.

Validated Matrices

This product can selectively extract deoxynivalenol in Food, Grains, Feed, Vinegar, Alcoholic drinks, Soy Sauce, and Sauce Products samples.

Cat. No. Tests Volume Manual
IAC-030-1 25/50 T 1 mL  
IAC-030-3 25/50 T 3 mL  

Additional information


1T, 25T, 50T


1ml, 3ml


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