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PriboFast®Cashew ELISA Kit

detectionRange: 0.2-2 mg/kg (μg/100 cm2)

SKU: HWEKT-CA70 Category:


detectionRange(μg/kg): 0.2-2 mg/kg (μg/100 cm2)

Cashew ELISA Kit 

General Description

Cashew ELISA Kit is a highly sensitive allergen testing product, capable of environment monitoring and quantification analysis of the residues in bakery products, food, meat, grains, wine, and chocolate, etc.


There is no cross-reactivity observed in milk, rice, pork, corn, peanuts, beef, buckweat, eggs, cocoa, soy, oats, etc. For more details, please contact us.


Cat. No. EKT-CA70
Tests 48/96 T
Sensitivity 0.2 ppm
Calibration Curve 0, 2, 6, 20, 60 ppm
Quantitation Range 2-60 ppm
Total Incubation Time 60 min (20/20/20 min)
Assay Principle Sandwich ELISA
Storage Temperature 2-8℃

Additional information


48T, 96T


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