Fish Rapid Test Strip Family Pack


sensitivity: 0.1 mg/kg

SKU: HWPRS-A90-1 Category:

sensitivity:  0.01 mg/kg

Fish Rapid Test Strip

PriboStrip™ Food Allergen Rapid Test Strip is an immuno-chromatographic test for the qualitative detection of food allergen in FOOD. The test can be used for the detection of small amounts of allergen from unknown ingredient or ambiguous labeling in processed food.


No cross-reaction with crustaceans, milk, almonds, buckwheat, eggs, soybeans, bran, peanuts.

LOD (limit of determination) = Sensitivity × Dilution Ratio

Cat. No.: PRS-A90-JT
Tests: 10/20 T
Storage Temperature: 2-8℃

10T, 20T


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