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PriboFast®Coconut ELISA Kit

detectionRange:0-30 mg/kg (μg/100 cm2)

SKU: HWEKT-CN10 Category:


detectionRange(μg/kg): 0-30 mg/kg (μg/100 cm2)

Coconut ELISA Kit

General Description

The Coconut tree (Cocos nucifera) provides food, fuel, cosmetics, and building material. Mature coconuts can be used as edible seeds, oil, plant juice. Compared with other nuts, coconut have relatively fewer allergens, but some people also have particularly obvious allergic symptoms. Coconut ELISA Kit is a highly sensitive allergen testing product, capable of environment monitoring and quantification analysis of the residues in bakery products, food, meat, grains, and chocolate, etc.


There is no cross-reactivity observed in milk, rice, pork, corn, peanuts, beef, buckweat, eggs, cocoa, soy, oats, etc. For more details, please contact us.


Cat. No. EKT-CN10
Tests 48/96 T
Sensitivity 0.4 ppm
Calibration Curve 0, 2, 5, 15, 30 ppm
Quantitation Range 2-30 ppm
Total Incubation Time 60 min (20/20/20 min)
Assay Principle Sandwich ELISA
Storage Temperature 2-8℃

Additional information


48T, 96T


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