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Pribolab®Automatic Immunoaffinity Column Purification System

Auto IPS-6080

SKU: HWEQ-IM 5050 Category:


General Information

IPS integrates the operating steps of the immunoaffinity column (sample loading, rinsing, and elution) into one operating platform. It is suitable for immunoaffinity purification of biotoxins, veterinary drug residues, trace contaminants, and prohibited additives in samples such as food, feed, and herbal materials, etc. It complies with the Pharmacopoeia, the Chinese food hygiene regulations, and international standards such as the European Union and AOAC.


Visual touch interface, easy to install and operate;

Wide range of detection applications;

Fully automatic operation, automatic sample loading and cleaning;

High recovery accuracy;

Driven by precision motor, stable speed, precise feeding;


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