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Pribolab®Photochemical Derivatization Reactor


SKU: HWEQ-KRC 1010 Category:


General Information

The KRC Photochemical Post-Column Reactor is used for the photo-derivatization of aflatoxins with HPLC-FLD. This method does not require any chemical reagents, can effectively enhance the fluorescence intensity of aflatoxins B1 and G1, and their sensitivity can reach 0.1 ng/mL (depending on the detector sensitivity). In addition, it is also suitable for derivation of barbiturates, amino acids, peptides, vitamins and sulfa drugs, etc. The whole machine adopts black coating and pure stainless steel body frame, and the shape design is simple and elegant. KRC can be used directly with LC of Agilent, Shimadzu, Waters, Hitachi, Dionex and other brands.


derivatization of aflatoxins B1, G1 in real time without the use of chemicals.

Avoiding operator exposure to toxic chemicals

No need to prepare corrosive liquids, increasing the life of LC instruments

No rinse steps required, no additional maintenance required

Comply with China’s new national standard and Pharmacopoeia method.

Conforms to AOAC 2005.08, AOCS Aa11-05 and European Pharmacopoeia 2.8.18 standard analytical methods


Size (h×w×d) 88 mm×90 mm×420 mm Wavelength precision: ±1 nm
Drift ≤ 2.5×10-4 AU/h Wavelength reproducibility: ±1 nm
Light Source: 254 nm and 352 nm Derivative pool volume 1 mL
Flow Rate 0.8~1.5 mL/min; optimum: 1.2 mL/min Max pool pressure 10 MPa
Band width: 2 nm Lamp life: ≥ 8000 h
Working environment 220V, 50 Hz; Temperature: 0~45℃; Relative Humidity: 20-85%


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